Impact One Initiative is transforming lives through the power of education...One school. One teacher. One child at a time.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. "
– Nelson Mandela
Impact One Initiative is a Christian nonprofit providing vulnerable children in Zambia hope and a future through education. We believe every child deserves access to a good school where they can discover their talents and grow into who God has created them to be. But too many children in Zambia never have this opportunity.
Based in Lusaka, we are sharing the love of Jesus by equipping community schools with the skills and resources to provide a life-changing education for all of their students. By helping children learn how to read, solve problems, and explore creativity, we are preparing them to make a difference in the world around them.
In much of the world, we forget the power of education. It has become so routine that we take for granted its significance. But in the developing world, the impact is striking.
A community school is a grassroots solution to the need for education in developing African countries. They teach the best they can, but usually without books, supplies, and training.