A teacher is a world changer. Day after day, she trains, influences, and inspires the next generation. When equipped with the right skills and resources, she can provide a life-changing education that prepares children for a brighter future. Our program is giving passionate teachers the opportunity to develop skills to teach reading in order to transform their classroom for greater learning. One of our goals for 2024 is to provide one-on-one coaching to 20 selected teachers in order to encourage them to confidently and consistently use effective literacy methods.

A donation of $100 will mentor 1 teacher for 1 month which will impact her entire class of 35 kids.

here’s the impact your donation can have

Teacher Alice has seen a radical transformation in her classroom. Last year, our team of education mentors began to visit her class each week to provide one-on-one coaching, encouraging her with new strategies to teach reading in English. As she practiced what she was learning, her class of 2nd graders began to see a massive change.

Last year, only 15% of her 2nd grade students could read simple words. But as a result of her improved teaching methods, 92% of her students were reading by the middle of this year!

Equipped with the foundational skill of reading, Alice’s students are prepared for greater levels of learning ahead. And when Alice receives a new class of students at the beginning of the year, she can confidently train, influence, and inspire them to reach their full potential.

how our literacy model works

Through our program, we are giving many community school teachers their first opportunity for formal training in teaching English literacy - a core component of the Zambian curriculum, as well as a vital skill for high school, higher education, and future employment.

We invite teachers to attend large group training events where they learn the components of an English reading program which includes a phonics-based reading approach, daily practice time with reading material, and strategies to teach reading comprehension. Our partner schools are also given access to story books through weekly visits to our library and the distribution of monthly book boxes.

Along with quarterly training events, selected teachers receive one-on-one coaching support in their classrooms.  With this coaching, our team of mentors can identify and address particular challenges in the classroom, help teachers continuously improve upon the strategies, and encourage them until they reach a confident mastery of the literacy program.

One of our goals for 2024 is to provide one-on-one coaching to 20 selected teachers in order to encourage them to confidently and consistently use effective literacy methods. One month of in-class mentoring costs $100.  To mentor 20 teachers for all of 2024, we need to raise $24,000. 

Just imagine, when 20 more teachers can confidently teach reading, they can impact 700 students with a life-changing education next year! Equipped with a strong education, these 700 students can change their worlds!

Will you help us equip another teacher to impact her class?


Be a part of the impact today!