Motivated by the love of Jesus Christ, Impact One is committed to sharing his transforming love through our words and actions in order to help all individuals flourish in their God-given potential.
The following beliefs are the pillars of our worldview, the motivation for our mission, and the truths we communicate in both word and deed.
The Bible as the word of God
The Bible tells the universal story of creation, fall, redemption and new creation, and thereby shapes our worldview. We receive it as the word of God spoken through human authors, and believe it to be true and trustworthy in all it affirms. We depend upon it as the revelation of God’s identity, character, purposes, and actions, and submit to it as supremely and uniquely authoritative for our belief and behavior.
God as creator
The universe is the good creation of the one living God and reveals God’s existence, power, and glory. Human beings are created in the image of God. As image bearers of the relational God, human beings are relational creatures who flourish by enjoying loving relationships with God, self, others, and creation.
Human sin
Humans have sinned by rebelling against God and are therefore alienated from him. Sin deserves God’s judgment and leads to eternal separation from God. Humanity’s broken relationship with God reverberates throughout the entire human creature, negatively impacting their bodies, souls, and relationships with self, others, and creation. The effects of sin and the power of evil have permeated the fabric of cultural, economic, social, political, and religious life, causing poverty and damaging the creation.
Human worth
Though distorted by sin, the image of God remains the basis of the uniqueness, dignity, sanctity, and equality of all persons without distinction. God loves and cares for all people in their cultural and ethnic diversity and has reached out in grace to save them through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, the Messiah uniquely appointed by God to bring the blessing of salvation to the world. Jesus Christ took our human nature, and while living on earth he taught and modeled the new life of the kingdom of God to which he calls his followers. In his death on the cross, he took upon himself the sin of the world, bearing its full cost and penalty so that when we choose to turn to Jesus Christ in faith we can be made right with God again. On the cross, Jesus entered into our sufferings, defeated the powers of evil, and accomplished the reconciliation of all creation. In his bodily resurrection, he defeated death and became the forerunner of redeemed humanity. Through his ascension, he is exalted as reigning Lord, and at his return he will execute God’s judgment, destroy Satan, evil and death, and bring his kingdom to fulfillment.
God the Holy Spirit
The Bible testifies to the Holy Spirit’s activity both in creation and history, empowering action for liberation and justice. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, leads to faith and repentance, and unites believers to Christ, making real in them what Jesus has accomplished. Through Christ, God’s Spirit is poured out on all believers enabling them to live in unity and to bear the fruit of holiness, Christ-likeness and practical obedience. The Spirit gives gifts and power to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel, discern truth, pray effectively and prevail over the forces of darkness.
The Church and God’s mission
The Church stands in continuity with God’s people in the Old Testament, called through Abraham to be a light to the nations, shaped and taught through the law and the prophets to be a community of holiness, compassion and justice, and redeemed through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Church exists to worship and glorify God for all eternity and is commissioned by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate in the transforming mission of God within history.