Every Wednesday, more than 600 kids from the neighborhood come to experience Community Day at our Library. Each week, we have the unique privilege of helping these children on their journey of knowing Jesus more and growing in their education. This Giving Tuesday, we are inviting you to help make our Community Days in 2025 even more powerful by helping us share Jesus and books with all who come through our gates.
What a child experiences at the library
Not only are libraries extremely rare, it’s hard to find one in Zambia that is stocked with as many books as ours. With more than 10,000 books, the kids love to explore the shelves, choose a book, and sit down to read. No matter their reading level, all children benefit immensely from exploring the pages of a book. And for many who come, this is the starting point on their journey of learning how to read.
At the end of their visit, they can also borrow a book to take with them. This allows continued reading and exploration throughout the week, as well as the opportunity to share the book with friends and family.
While at the Library, the children are given many different opportunities to play games, use technology, and create their own artwork.
Each activity helps the children grow in knowledge, self awareness, and critical thinking. They are exposed to new ideas, new challenges, and new ways of thinking as they play together with other children.Through these activities, they can make new friends and take a break from the realities of poverty that affect their daily lives in the community.
Playing is the number one way to learn!
Despite being a very religious country, many of the children in Zambia have never experienced the true love of Jesus and how He can transform us. While at the Library, we have many chances to show the kids who Jesus really is!
We have a shelf of Bibles that children can explore.
We have intentional conversations where children can ask questions about the Bible and their faith.
We provide Bible activities and memory verses to build their knowledge of Scripture.
We model the love of Jesus in every interaction we have with the children!
When they enter the doors, the children recognize that this place is different from the rest of the community. It’s a place uniquely built for them, and tailored towards helping them grow. They are free to explore, ask questions, and share their burdens. They know that no matter what, when they are at our Library, they are loved and safe.
As a result of this unique experience, they keep coming back week after week and bring their friends along too.
What we need for community day
Through this ministry, we have the opportunity to help more and more children understand who God is, how much He loves them, and the unique purpose He has for their lives. We are equipping them with practical skills like reading, math, and technology, all while pointing them towards a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Our goal is to raise $5,000 on Giving Tuesday to help us impact more children at Community Days in 2025.
This Giving Tuesday, will you donate to impact another life?
Here are some of the things we need to help us create even more successful community days in the next year. You can choose from the pictures below or make a donation of any size to help support this special program.