This year, as part of Impact One’s commitment to helping schools become self-sustaining, we introduced matching grants for our Chibanja Network of schools. The schools raise funds through fundraising, saving, donations, etc., and then Impact One matches this to help them reach their goals. This month, CHACOP Community School was the first to raise the money and obtain the matching grant! Through savings and donations, the school raised the funds needed for its building project.
Bamboo Structure
Their old classroom was made from bamboo which had become damaged, dirty, and difficult to use for learning during rainy, cold weather. With the grant, they have been able to replace this with a brick structure.
“I was very excited when I managed to raise money through well-wishers. I couldn’t sleep the day we went to purchase the first materials, and I called all my friends.” Said Bibian, director of CHACOP.
New brick structure
Building started at the beginning of the term, and the classroom is already in use. Both students and teachers are incredibly excited about the new development, and parents have also been coming to the site to commend the school for moving forward with the new classroom.
Classroom in use
Already change is being seen! “We have many new kids enrolled, and parents have been paying school contributions. We’ve never made so much money in a week.” Said Bibian
We hope that through the grant scheme, more schools can take steps towards becoming sustainable and that we can continue to support them in other ways too.