We started the year with a fun and exciting four-day literacy training for our teachers, covering both beginner and advanced levels. The turnout was great, especially for the beginners, who came in super eager and curious to learn. The discussions were lively, and the energy in the room was amazing.
A highlight from the training was when Barbara and Priscilla stepped up to model lessons. Both have years of experience teaching creatively, using local resources to make their lessons fun and interactive. Drawing from this wealth of knowledge, they confidently demonstrated ways their colleagues could improve their teaching methods and make lessons more fun and interactive. It was so cool to see their colleagues paying close attention and taking it all in.
Fostina who was attending her first-ever training this year shared, “I came here not knowing what to expect and afraid to speak. I came to learn how to teach literacy, but I’m leaving with a whole new appreciation for my job. I want all my students to learn to read.” Our platform is meant for learning and sharing ideas so that teachers are empowered to teach confidently, and we are thrilled when we see this happen.
Mentoring in the schools has already begun and we’re looking forward to seeing the teachers implement these new methods. As they face challenges and have questions, we’ll be by their side to support them. Through fun trainings and consistent follow up, we can see more lives transformed and impacted through the power of literacy.