With effective literacy instruction, daily reading time, and visits to our Library, many children in the Chikondano Network of schools are now able to read and write. Schools have also started lending books to the students to take home with them, a cause for great excitement among both parents and students.
Access to books and the ability to read is something that many of us take for granted. But this is a life-changing privilege that families connected to our partners schools are having.
Students reading during daily reading time.
Here’s what some of the parents had to say about their children’s new reading and writing skills:
“My kid is now always busy reading on the weekend instead of just playing and watching TV. He’s enjoying reading.”
“Are you sure no one writes for my child? The handwriting looks like a teacher wrote in her book!”
“When he brings a book home, he comes so excited. After he reads, he tells me what the story is about.”
“I’m so happy my daughter is reading now. I just don’t like that she can read my text messages now!”
"I'm very happy and proud. I didn't know my child can read."
Not only are our books helping children learn the necessary skill of reading, they are also creating opportunities for parents and their children to connect and spend time together. This will give these children a greater chance at succeeding in their own dreams.